Here are some things to consider about your trade item(s) before trading in with us to help save you and us some time, allowing us to offer you the most and make your visit smooth and enjoyable! Scroll to the bottom to see some awesome trades we have handled in the past!
Does it work?
We prefer working systems so that we can offer you more money, and don't have to spend extra time and money for parts to repair it. It's good to check if the ports work, it gives signal, powers, and charges.
Is it damaged at all?
We often do not accept damaged items. It really comes down to what is wrong with it. Typically as long as it turns on, and is functional, we can offer you something. But that comes down to the judgment of the employee. Some things we may be willing to repair ourselves.
Is it complete?
We always offer the most for systems that have everything that they came with. A controller, the cables to power and hook it to the TV. A hard drive and charge cable if applicable. Extra points for the box!
Is it in demand?
Unfortunately, not everything we save holds or gains value. Sometimes they lower due to availability. If it's a sought after item, we will always offer you more. But if it's something that we have lots of, and we are having troubling selling what we have, we may offer less.
Is it clean?
Consoles that are clean and well kept will often net you a little extra trade value as well. Consoles that are clean and look almost new are easier for us to sell. It also save us the time and materials to put toward more important things.
Cash or credit?
Finally, the big question! Are you looking for cash or credit? Like most places we always offer more in store credit that we do in cash. It is also good to know how much you want. We may not be able to give that exact amount, but it helps us strike you a deal sooner.